• Repressed emotions, often get stored in the body create tension and stress
  • Reduced lung capacity (pressure on the chest) and breathing efficiency caused by poor posture or past illnesses.
  • We are too much in survival mode trying to control everything around us. Be able to let go, surrender.
  • Difficulty trusting oneself due to a strong inner critic, often leading to feelings of imposter syndrome.

Compressed chest, no energy in the voice

“After experiencing long COVID, it was the first time I felt a surge of energy radiating from my upper chest and voice. The sensation was incredible.”

Chronic pain and tension

“As the breathing exercises became more intense, I could feel my left hip and right shoulder start to release, almost as if they were opening up. These areas have held tension for as long as I can remember, but during the breathwork, I noticed a shift happening in both spots.”

Not standing up for yourself, building negative emotions

“I’m more in tune with my emotions now and feel much more open to expressing them. It feels liberating to let things out and engage in meaningful conversations.”

How do we really know what we want in life when we do not know who we truly are ?


Build up from the ground up

  • Besides the important breathing exercises in the course “Start your journey”, we start including breathwork sessions passive and active (See PDF) to discover the sensation in our body and start exploring deeper on the autonomic nervous system, for sleep, stress management and more
  • From there, you’ll begin sharing the areas of your life where you’ve faced struggles and challenges. This allows me to start crafting the script and prepare your personalized transformational breathwork journey.
  • Utilize the power of breathwork as a bridge to deepen self-awareness and gain insight into your internal patterns and conditioning. (thinking process, believes).

Where could breathwork take you on your healing journey ?

  • A sense of security and confidence: You may find yourself feeling more secure and confident in social situations, allowing you to connect with new people more easily, without the emotional hesitation or fear that may have held you back in the past.
  • Emotional openness and connection: As breathwork clears emotional blockages, you’ll begin to open up more deeply to those around you, fostering closer connections with your partner, children, and loved ones. This emotional openness can enhance your relationships and deepen your social interactions.
  • Fewer Limitations, More Possibilities: Breathwork can help dissolve the mental and emotional blocks that limit your potential, freeing you to explore life with a sense of curiosity, openness, and boundless possibility.
  • Empowered exploration: You’ll feel empowered to explore life more freely, unburdened by the emotional limitations that once constrained you. With fewer barriers, you’ll find yourself willing to take risks and embrace new possibilities.
  • Social and emotional expansion: As you grow through your breathwork practice, you’ll notice a natural inclination to be more socially open, whether it’s engaging more actively with loved ones or connecting more meaningfully with new acquaintances.
  • Embracing vulnerability: You may come to see the power in showing your emotions, recognizing that vulnerability is a strength that allows for more genuine connections and personal growth.

What is there for you in this course ?

2 sessions focused on opening the breathing system and regulate the autonomic nervous system :
Learn how to release tension around the ribcage, sternum and back using specific breathing techniques (physical work)
Active breathwork (re-birth) to get back the elastic to go into stress and out more easily. (active breathing)

Access to the online membership area to practice from home the “physical work”mentioned above.

  • 2 sessions focused on letting go, releasing stored energy (trauma) from previous experiences (negative emotions)

Understand better who we truly are, our childhood programs from our education, our passed experiences that are shaping the way we interact and see our environment. (rules of life, believes, for example never asking for help by fear of being weak and more)

These 2 sessions will be prepared beforehand by talking and sharing information on the major topic that the patient has been struggling with. (love, trust in people, imposteur syndrom, low self esteeem and more)

Phone call support  : I always offer the people I work with to contact me after every sessions to share or ask questions as it helps the healing process.


  • Maxime
  • Caio
  • Joel Pascual Santiago
  • Elise Agostino
  • Yakup Aydin
James guided me in a 1:1 breath session. The session was amazing! I'm familiar with breath sessions but James was one of the best experiences! He guides you so well and you will feel amazing afterwards! Recommended for everyone! Thanks again James!Maxime Schötz
I had the chance to do a transformational breathing session with James and it was absolutely incredible! I was impressed with how the breathing journey guided by James has a profound impact on your mind and body. You can still feel the benefits of the session many days later while enjoying a clearer mind. I’ll would strongly recommend it to anyone who needs some mental space and I’m definitely doing it regularly from now on.Caio Lopes de Melo
I have started with James 2 years ago. First with the functional training and since one year with the breath work , which I found brings my day to day life to the next level. James guidance is just the right amount. He supports you and motivates you to go deep inside you and quiet your mind from the daily noise. The levels of self learning one reaches using the breath work I could not have ever imagined, incredible.Joel Pascual Santiago
I had an amazing experience of guided breathwork with James. His approach gave me total confidence, he was able to ease the process for me and to help me navigate that incredible journey with much attention and care. I highly recommend him. He's a great great professional and human who knows his work and has the best healing and strengthening intentions. Thanks again 🙏Elise Agostino
I have had a breathing session with James and I can honestly say it felt amazing afterwards. The relieve of tension and stress of my body and mind that the healing session gave me was insane! I can recommend this to anyone and James guides you through the whole session in a comforting way.Yakup Aydin

Bastiaan De Hooge

“James had helped me control my breathing a lot better since i have had some sessions with him. I noticed my breathing is working a lot more in my favor when doing sports and in between when resting the breathing makes me more relaxed.”

Pearl Lee

“I really enjoyed the breathing sessions with James, it reminds me of how important it is to take things slow, be connected to the breath and the body. After every session I feel very grounded and connected with my body”

Helen Plantart

“I love doing breathing exercises online with James, his way of working on breathing is very interesting and reminds me of how we are not aware enough of the importance of breathing well. His exercises help me to understand where my tensions come from and to release them. My breathing is now calmer and I feel a real sense of well-being. Perfect !”

Annemarie Mooijaart

“Feeling refreshed and centered after the breathwork & movement session. I experienced a lot of benefits both for the mind and body. A valuable introduction to breathwork ! Thank you 🙂

Deborah Lafargue

“Professionalism, accuracy, dedicated. I thoroughly recommend Motionline. I’ve had several breathing sessions with James and feel totally relaxed afterwards. Using these breathing techniques helps with body movements, it’s amazing. I certainly recommend these sessions. Thank you James

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