Trust your body – L1 – Trigger point therapy

Home / Trust your body – L1 – Trigger point therapy



I teach you myofascial release

  • How: I teach you simple, hands-on techniques to release tight areas in your body using tools like massage balls. You’ll learn how to apply pressure in the right way to relieve tension and pain, which you can easily practice at home.
  • Why: Tight fascia and trigger points cause pain and limit movement. Myofascial release helps relieve this tension, improving your mobility, reducing pain, and restoring natural body alignment.
  • Where:We focus on key areas that commonly tighten:
    • Neck and shoulders: Eases stress and poor posture.
    • Lower back: Relieves sitting-related tension.
    • Hips and thighs: Restores mobility and balance.
    • Feet and calves: Strengthens your foundation and improves balance.
trigger points

Constant lower back tension

“I got to the point where I did not feel confident enough to lift my kid of the floor. I felt weak powerless.”

Nagging pain after sitting or/and standing

“I was getting myself ready to stand up while being at my desk knowing that I would need at least 4 or 5 steps to be able to fully stand up.”

Morning stiffness and movement avoidance

“The feeling you have when waking that you did not get any rest. That is what I had for years almost accepting my new normal”

Transformation starts with your body. By mastering simple routines, you’re not just relieving pain—you’re unlocking freedom and vitality.


Posture awareness and dysfunctions

  • Awareness leads to actions:
    When you’re aware of your posture, you can start making small changes that prevent pain and improve movement. Recognizing bad habits is the first step to correcting them and taking control of your body’s health.
  • Small details in everyday life have a huge impact:
    Tiny adjustments, like how you sit or stand, add up over time. These small changes in daily habits prevent strain, improve posture, and lead to lasting improvements in how your body feels and moves.

What most people do VS What I offer you

What Most People Do

  • Deep tissue massages,  you place the power in someone else’s hands, involving time planning and money spending without long term achievments.
  • Passive stretching to release tension and reduce pain? One of the biggest myths. When you try to passively stretch myofascial tissue with trigger points and knots, you’re actually stretching connective tissue. This can result in reduced muscle tone, loss of joint support, and weakened brain-muscle connection.

What I offer you

  • Move with more freedom and do your daily task with confidence.
  • Knowing your body and learning about your body, myofascial releases and trigger points in relation to the pain or tension you are experiencing.
  • Working with your body through two magic massage balls (Yes, this sounds a bit weird but it’s true. I wouldn’t know what to do without them)
  • An education of your own body for life

"Break free from limitations. Reclaim your body, embrace vitality, and live boldly—because pain and age won’t hold you back anymore."

What result can you expect after these first 2 steps

The LEVEL 1 “Start Your Journey” course is your path from feeling tense and restricted to feeling empowered, energized, and in control.

Designed for those who want more than just pain relief, this course helps you reconnect with your body, move freely, and embrace life confidently. It’s for those who refuse to let age or pain limit their potential.

While I won’t promise all pain will vanish, I guarantee you’ll gain the skills to manage tension, prevent future issues, and build a foundation for long-term well-being. With this knowledge, you’ll move confidently, engage in what you love, and say “yes” to life instead of watching from the sidelines.

What is there for you in this Myofascial and Trigger point course ?

Two self-myofascial balls (12 and 6 centimeter)
Thera cane another great releasing tool
Book “The trigger point and myofascial release map”  I created.
Three sessions with personalized care and attention. (60 minutes)
Motionline app for basic body mechanics to practice anywhere (1 month access)
Knowledge on trigger points and myofascial self treatment to keep for a lifetime, tailor made to your body
Whatsapp support for the duration of the course from Monday until saturday

myofascial release

Eva's shoulder pain

When I first met Eva, she was like many—active, passionate about life, but silently battling the limitations of chronic shoulder pain. Despite countless visits to traditional health providers and massages, the pain lingered, leaving her feeling frustrated and disconnected from her body.

Together, we embarked on an 8-week journey, not just to relieve her shoulder pain but to reignite her confidence in her body. Through functional movements and a personalized plan, Eva started to see results that went beyond just relief. She began to move with ease, rediscovering her strength, and now feels equipped to embrace life fully—whether it’s tackling new adventures or simply feeling good in her skin.

Testimonials from Google Reviews

Daphne Kusters

“When I met James, I had no idea that there was a whole new way of exercise like he offers. I didn’t realize how disconnected I was from my own body until our conversations made me increasingly aware of the tension in my hips, knees and my hollow back. James has a unique gift of bringing you closer to your own body through a conversation alone.

Once I recognized my body’s signals, I started to wonder: I’m only 29, what will my future look like if I don’t do anything about this?

That’s why I decided to take the Level 1 course with James. During the sessions I learned how my muscles are interconnected by the fascia. This gave me my first conscious insight into why I feel certain things, exactly where I feel them. Now, after the first sessions, I notice that I feel able to work better with my body, instead of just ‘living’ in it. Where I used to only have my body, I now see my body more as my partner in life.

Since taking this course, I can take immediate action when tension or pain arises, such as in my hips. I can tackle that with a simple tool, which feels liberating.

I now see that the pain in my hips and knees does not have to be a limitation for the future. By learning a way of moving that respects and supports my body, I believe I can learn to move even better and build a stronger bond with my body than ever.

On to Level 2!”


Patrick SUN

“Having tried so many masseurs in the past 10 years, James is the only one who can precisely help me find the trigger points to relax my low back muscles! I feel much better now. Will definitely come back for more sessions!”


Oanh Vuong

“James from motionline nl is a genuine professional body therapist!

He makes you feel comfortable and he has a lot of knowledge about the muscles, body movements and how to breath properly!
He is focusing on your problem and he will looking for the cause of your problem.

I have a shoulder problem and I have 3 sessions with him. The pain is less. We are moving ahead and making good progress.
Because of him i already have learned to be more aware of my body movements, posture and trigger points therapy

I highly recommended James if your care about your body health!”

Bindu Upadhyay

“James has a unique approach and I am hopeful of it. He teaches self massage to understand the anatomy and to dive into the root cause. He explains his method very well and also gave me exercises with videos for trigger points to do in between sessions.
I highly recommend him!”

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